
Advanced job search tips

The search box offers a few options for advanced users to further refine their searches

There are three advanced search options you can use as part of your search phases:

  1. Exact match – Place " " quotes around a word or phrase to find only jobs containing this exact text.  For example:  "Project Officer"
  2. Combine searches − Place an uppercase OR between search phrases to see jobs that match any of them. For example: accounting OR finance
  3. Exclude from search   Place a - minus sign before words you want excluded from job search results.  For example:  teacher -primary 


Here are some more examples that combine search options:

Magnifying glass icon to indicate search link HR -"recruiting"  – HR jobs that do not contain the exact word "recruiting"

Magnifying glass icon to indicate search link "VPSG3" OR office administration – Jobs with the exact word VPSG3 or jobs in office administration

Magnifying glass icon to indicate search link Policy officer -health -school – Policy officer jobs excluding jobs related to health or schools

Magnifying glass icon to indicate search link Communications "construction" – Communications jobs that contain the exact word construction